
羿庚戌 茶新闻 2023-09-16 18:48 204

Title: Classification and Pricing Standards for Anji White Tea


Anji White Tea, known for its delicate taste and light green color, is a highly sought-after variety of Chinese tea. Its quality is assessed and classified based on several criteria such as earance, aroma, taste, and origin. This article aims to explain the classification standards for Anji White Tea and its corresponding price range.

1. earance:

Anji White Tea is characterized by its long and slender tea leaves, which are of a light green color and covered with tiny white hairs. The leaves should be uniform in shape and size. A higher grade of Anji White Tea will have more visually ealing leaves, which are plump, glossy, and consistent in color.

2. Aroma:

The aroma of Anji White Tea should be fresh and fragrant. It is often described as a combination of floral and grassy scents. The intensity and complexity of the aroma reflect the tea's quality. Higher grade Anji White Tea will have a more pronounced and enjoyable fragrance.

3. Taste:


Anji White Tea is known for its delicate and refreshing flavor, which is often described as sweet and mild with a hint of umami. The taste should be smooth and well-balanced, without any bitterness or astringency. The aftertaste should linger and be pleasant. Higher quality Anji White Tea will have a more pronounced and long-lasting taste.

4. Origin:

Anji White Tea originates from Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. The tea plantations in this region benefit from the unique climate and soil conditions, which contribute to the high quality of the tea. Anji White Tea produced in the original growing area is considered to be of higher quality and thus commands a higher price.

Classification and Price Range:

Based on the above criteria, Anji White Tea is usually categorized into the following grades:

1. Special Grade:

This is the highest grade of Anji White Tea. It features perfectly shaped leaves with a vibrant green color. The aroma is intense and complex, while the taste is exceptionally smooth and sweet. The price of special grade Anji White Tea starts from roximately 400 RMB per 50 grams.

2. Grade A:

The leaves of Grade A Anji White Tea are slightly less uniform compared to the special grade. The aroma and taste are still excellent, though not as pronounced. Grade A Anji White Tea is priced at roximately 300-400 RMB per 50 grams.

3. Grade B:

This grade consists of Anji White Tea leaves that may have slight imperfections in shape or color. The aroma and taste are slightly less refined compared to the higher grades. The price range for Grade B Anji White Tea is roximately 200-300 RMB per 50 grams.


Anji White Tea is classified and priced based on its earance, aroma, taste, and origin. The higher the grade, the more visually ealing, fragrant, and flavorful the tea. Consumers can choose the grade of Anji White Tea that suits their preferences and budget, with special grade tea being the most premium option.


头像 安稳随性人 2023-09-16
头像 吉吉 2023-09-16
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头像 我们床上聊 2023-09-16
安吉白茶根据它的执行等级,主要可以分为四个等级 第一档也就是最高等级为精品,色嫩绿明亮,香气嫩香持久,叶底叶白黄绿一芽一叶,芽长于叶。 第二档是特级,色嫩绿明亮。安吉白茶等级划分标准是:安吉白茶的实际级别分成精品、特等、一级、二级。白茶,主要分为两大类,一种是用白茶树的叶为原料制成的口感茶叶。
头像 世泊 2023-09-16
安吉白茶的具体等级分为精品、特级、一级、二级,等级一次将降低,具体的等级要求如下: 精品安吉白茶:龙形安吉白茶外形上扁平,光,挺直,尖削,嫩绿显玉色,匀整。安吉白茶是中国地理标志产品。按照《GB/T20354-2006安吉白茶》标准,安吉白茶分为精品、特级、一级、二级四个等级。
头像 王子月 2023-09-16
安吉白茶的等级怎么划分的特点-安吉白茶的等级划分标准 安吉白茶根据采摘嫩度以及感官品质的不同,分为精品、特级、一级、二级四个等级。
头像 鸢飞 2023-09-16
安吉白茶的具体等级分为精品、特级、一级、二级,等级一次将降低,具体的等级要求如下: 精品安吉白茶:龙形安吉白茶外形上扁平,光,挺直,尖削,嫩绿显玉色,匀整。
头像 和文韬 2023-09-16
安吉白茶分为几个等级 精品安吉白茶一般都要1000元/斤以上,特级安吉白茶要800元/斤右,一级安吉白茶500元/斤右,二级安吉白茶要200元/斤以上。安吉白茶的等级划分标准主要包括外观、香气、滋味和色等方面。 外观方面,茶叶形状规整,色泽翠绿艳,叶片肥厚匀称,无斑点或损伤的为高等级。
    • 如何确定安吉白茶的等级



    • 安吉白茶等级从高到低及划分标准



    • 安吉白茶等级和价格



    • 安吉白茶等级排序及划分标准



    • 安吉白茶分几个等级及对应价格

